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New Albums &

FREE Accompanying Journals


*Available NOW on Apple,  Spotify and Amazon


*Available NOW
on AppleSpotify and Amazon

Of course, the easiest way to use the songs on these albums is simply to find a time to relax and listen. Listen to one, if you have only a bit of time; make your own playlist, or set them on shuffle if you have a bit more time. The journal, on the other hand, invites you into an opportunity to consider just a bit about the origin of each particular piece, and offers you a set of “invitational” questions to pique your reflection or journaling during or after your listening.


These instrumentals and songs were composed over the course of the last 30 years (1990 to 2020). Each of these songs meant and still means something special to me. I’m reconnected in a new way with the original, generative experiences and thoughts every time I listen to them. I’m inviting you to make fresh, reflective experiences and personally meaningful connections to them. Come back to them as often as you’d like. If you’re like me, you’ll find that even something that has had a definite and specific meaning and use to you at one particular time will have grown and changed with your new experiences when you revisit it.


My hope is that this can be a helpful model for you in finding and immersing into music and song as a form of renewal and self-care. This approach is just one model for how that might be done. Find your way with other approaches to this music, and with other music that speaks powerfully to you. Music is one of our most ancient and beloved ways of exploring what it truly means to be human.

Being Human Keynote Presentation

1 hour 23 minutes

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